Perpetual Booking System

General information on booking with DGSS

DGSS operates the “Perpetual System” of swim school lessons. This means that your child will progress through the various levels of learning to swim at their own pace and will not be required to wait until the end of a term to move up. The perpetual system continues throughout school holidays. We do allow for a break mid year and over the summer holidays.

In addition to this we also allow 4 weeks 'holiday' per 12 months where we will reserve your space but you are not charged for those weeks i.e. you're going away for the July school holidays so you opt to take 2 weeks 'holiday leave' to reserve your space but not pay for those missed lessons. This means you have another 2 weeks leave you can use up until July of next year. The swim school must be informed before your holiday.

You will always swim at the same time on the same day until your childs progress may require a shift to a more advanced class that is not available at that time, or unless you request a day/time change. This progress will be advised by the instructor to reception who will contact you directly in this regard.

Unlike the term by term system you will book in for lessons only once and be charged monthly in advance for each month. This will continue until you advise DGSS that you no longer require the service or that you wish to take a break from the program (minimum 2 weeks notice required in both these circumstances). In which case DGSS can place you on a waitlist for when you return.

Advantages to you the customer…

This means that you will no longer have to queue up to rebook or race in to get the time and space that you like, or miss out on days and places that you had last time.

The cost of the lessons is spread throughout the year, rather than in 4 large payments. More regular instruction without holiday breaks when skills can be forgotten.

DGSS staff are happy to discuss any further questions you may have and will work to making the process as simple as possible.

We look forward to opening up a world of aquatic opportunities to you and your family.